You here: Innovations / Humate containing organic-mineral fertilizers Lignohumate-based humated organic-mineral fertilizers.
Humated organic-mineral fertilizers (HOMF) are essentially standard mineral fertilizers (carbamide, ammonium nitrate, superphosphate, ammophos, nitroammophoska, superpphoska, azophoska, or sulfoammophos) or fertilizer mixes, modified with humic components. Such fertilizers cause plants to uptake fertilizer's' mineral components more efficiently, and reduce their total consumption. They contribute to ecological purity of food products and maintenance of soil fertility, with minimum environmental impact.
HOMF are based on our highly-efficient humic preparation commercially available under "Lignohumate" trade mark. The preparation is included into the Russian Federation State Register both as a separate humic fertilizer and as a component of complex organic-mineral fertilizers.
Lignohumate was awarded Gold Medal of International Exhibition "Russian Farmer", 2001, for its outstanding qualities. Humated organic-mineral fertilizers are helpful at breeding of cereals and vegetables grown in open ground and hothouses, small fruits and fruit trees, garden and pot flowers, turfgrasses and ornamental bushes.
Long-term field tests demonstrated Lignohumate-humated organic-mineral fertilizers as having wider action spectrum.
Viz., fertilizers in question:
- have lower flaking and slumping capacities, as well as lower leachability of freely soluble nitric components, due to partial change in granule surface structure;
- increase assimilability of mineral fertilizers due to their transformation into mobile form, which is particularly true for sparingly soluble phosphate fertilizers;
- boost redox processes in plant cells, which results in quicker sprouting and higher seedling growth rate;
- raise chlorophyll content and photosynthesis productivity, which results in higher plant growth rate, bigger crop capacity, and reduced ripening period;
- enhance activity of soil microorganisms and improve soil composition (via increase in humus content);
- enhance plant resistance to unfavourable ambient conditions, diseases and pests;
- enable reduction in sowing rate by 20-35% compared with standard fertilizers;
- improve product's biochemistry, which results in high-quality and ecologically pure products with long shelf life.
Our company developed industrial technologies of Lignohumate-humated organic-mineral fertilizers production, which basically come down to application of humic coating onto any commercially available granular fertilizer (Industry Standard TU2186-009-56918709–2002). In 2003 HOMF were granted State Certificate, which opened access for them to Russian market. Lignohumate content in HOMF is customizable in the range of 0,1 to 3%.
HOMF may be produced on industrial scale in mineral fertilizer factories. Another option is small-scale production with original technology that implies humic coating application onto commercially available mineral fertilizers by "dry" granule rolling. Such method may be implemented using vibration- or drum-type mixers rated at 100 to 1000 kg per hour, with relatively low energy consumption. This means that such mixers may be used not only by major mineral fertilizer producers, but also by small manufacturers or farmers themselves. They may also be used for manufacturing and further humation of fertilizer mixtures.
We are prepared to cooperate with all producers and wholesalers in the establishment of humated organic-mineral fertilizer production businesses, and invest our dedicated equipment, humic raw materials, and licences for a variety of organic-mineral fertilizer species.
Lignohumate-based organic-mineral fertilizers guarantee you big crop of ecologically pure products with lower labour expenditures.